Sunday, October 11, 2009

iPush Classic

[Click Image]

1. 게임규칙
The game rule

1) 퍼즐보드에 27개의 칩이 무작위로 배치되어있다.
There position 27 chips on a puzzle board.

2) 퍼즐보드테두리에 있는 2개의 칩을 다른 위치로 옮기면된다.
칩을 옮기는 방법은 칩을 드래그 하거나 찹을 선택 후 다른 위치에 터치를 한다.

Two chips on the edge of the puzzle board can be moved to other positions.
The moving method is that you can drag the chip or select it and touch on the other site.

3) 퍼즐보드 가운데 있는 25개 칩위치가 주어진 카드의 미션에 맞는지 확인한다.
칩의 위치는 가로 또는 세로방향과는 상관없이 일렬이면 된다.

You need to check 25 chips on the puzzle board are adequate to the given mission.
The chip position should be same line regardless whether it is vertical or transverse.

2. 타워의 특징
The characteristics of chips.

1) 색깔(Colors)
- 빨간색, 파란색, 노란색
- red, blue, and yellow.

2) 모양(Shapes)
- 사각형, 원형, 십자형
- rectangular, round, and cruxiform

3) 숫자(Number)
- 1번, 2번, 3번
- one, two, and three

3. 미션카드 규칙
The mission card rules

1) 기본형
The basic form

- 칩의 특징 3가지 조합 중에 공통점이 1가지인것만 주어진다.
- Among the three chip charateristics, only one with a common feature is given.

- 예1: 빨간색이 주어지는 경우 타워의 모양, 숫자와 상관없이 빨간색타워를 주어진 갯수만큼 일렬로 배치한다.
- Example 1. If the red color is chosen, red chips can be lined with their given number regardless their shape and number.

- 예2: 숫자1이 주어지는 경우 타워의 모양, 색깔과 상관없이 숫자1인 타워를 주어진 갯수만큼 일렬로 배치한다.
- Example 2. If number one is chosen, number one chips can be lined with their given number regardless their shape and color.

2) 확장형
Extension form.

- 칩의 특징 3가지 조합 중에 2가지 공통점인것이 주어진다.
- Two of three chip characterisitcs are given.

- 예1: 빨간색 원형 타워가 주어지는 경우 숫자에 상관없이 빨간색 원형타워를 주어진 갯수만큼 일렬로 배치한다.
Example 1. If red and round chips are chosen, red and round chips can be line regardless their number.

- 예2: 숫자1인 사각타워가 주어지면 색깔과 상관없이 숫자1을 가진 사각타워를 주어진 갯수만큼 일렬로 배치한다.
Example 2. If number one rectangular chips are chosen, they can be lind regardless their color.

4. 플레이어에게 드리는 글
Additional information for players.

본 퍼즐은 세상에 둘도 없는 독특한 형식의 퍼즐이다.
This puzzle is the only and unique type of puzzle game.

체스나 트럼프카드처럼 많이 사람들이 함께 즐길수 있는 퍼즐이 되었으면 한다.
I hope it could be enjoyed many people like a chess or trumph game.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

GhostHunter EX

1. Ghost Hunter EX
: 21C
: In a high industrialization processing at 21C, the city is ruined, all hippies things is disappeared from hearts of peoples and peoples just had a egoistic mind and a greed, at the same time, the evil is appeared in the city. It happen a strange phenomenon hear and there in the city and Jung-pee request helper to the Vatican. The Vatican are calling ghost hunters which is a secret organization for elimination the evil several hundred years ago. The Vatican decide to rush Mr. Jack who is the best of best member of a ghost hunters.

2. Game Help
There are two kinds of a arbalists and a magnum and three kinds of bullets according to the weapon.
- A fire of evil and ghost is disappeared with shooting a ice arrow or a curse arrow at one time.
- A desert scorpion and a poison spider is disappeared with shooting a flame arrow or a golden bullet at two times.
- A daemon and a dracula is disappeared with shooting a silver arrow or a crystal bullet at three times.
- When you click a changing window of a weapon and bullet on the bottom, it is switched a weapon and bullet. you select a weapon and bullet to kill the evil and you must eliminate the evil.

3. HelloNet INC. Games.
- Keyword "Bugshunter" Acade game.
- Keyword "Ghosthunter EX" Action game.

Thursday, May 28, 2009



Dear BILL of House insect resistance company.

Numerous harmful insects comes out at a village.

so a mayor requested our company.

You must exterminate all vermin in the village.

- GAME -
Mission #1

When the flying mosquito is touched.

Insecticide is sprayed.Catch all mosquitos!

Mission #2


Spray exactly or the life gauge decreases 1 unit.

Catch all mosquitos!

Mission #3


Once the life gauge decrease.

It's never recharged.

Catch all mosquitos!

Mission #4

To capture a fly.

Touch twice it with the flyflap.

Catch all flies!

Mission #5

When the combo capture is performed.

Get additional scores.

Catch all flies!

Mission #6

The left side lower part arrow button makesthe instrument change between flyflap and spray.

You have to use exact instrument.Catch all bugs!

Mission #7

To capture roaches.

Touch three times it with the slipper.

Catch all roaches!

Mission #8

When the life gauge is exhausted.

the left side upper part life heart mark decreases 1 unit.

Catch all bugs!

Mission #9

When the life heart mark is exhausted game is over.

Catch all bugs!

Mission #10

The left side lower part arrow button makes the instrument changes between flyflap and spray.

You have to use exact instrument .

Catch all bugs!

(C) 2009 Hellonet INC.